
I'm Nathan.

I'm the sole founder and owner of NE Studios. I started this brand as a way for me to showcase my creativity to the entire globe. I currently am focusing on videography, 3D art, and photography.

NE Studios is operating as a side project alongside my full-time job, as well as another side project of mine, NateRider, where I produce Melodic Dubstep.

From socially distanced

to socialization

I first started exploring photography in late 2019 by getting photos for my school's art club. Then, a little thing called Covid-19 came and shut down every place I could think of. During this time, I started learning how to 3D model and then rendering and simple camera animations.

Once the world opened up, I started to venture into even more 3D, and also started to gain a passion for video production. The fall of 2021 is where I experimented with photography, and what would eventually become NE Studios a year later.

Looking to the Future

The future of NE Studios will be very exciting. I plan on doing more photography, as well as keeping up with my 3d renders and animations. I will also be experimenting with visual effects, which I cannot wait to share!